
Conference publications

No. Conference Title Author Date
66 32nd International Nursing Research Congress Nurses' Experience of Caring COVID-19 Patients and Perception of Managing Infectious Disease Pandemic 오선영 2021.07.21.~2021.07.23.
65 TQ (Thinking Qualitatively) Conference 2021 Factors Affecting the Transition Experiences of Young Adults with Spina Bifida: A Focus Group Study 윤혜선 2021.07.05.~2021.07.09.
64 32nd International Nursing Research Congress Factors related to Quality of Life among Middle-aged and Older Adults with Multimorbidity 김은경 2021.07
63 32nd International Nursing Research Congress Sequential Mediating Role of Diet and Stress Between Subjective Socio-Economic Status and Early Adolescents’ Health 김유림 2021.07
62 The 7th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference Factors Associated with Poor Quality of Sleep in Construction Workers. Poster presentation at the 7th Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference 조영신 2021.06.28.~2021.06.29.
61 2021 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting Lived experiences of patients with cancer undergoing home-based chemotherapy 장효은 2021.06.24.~2021.06.26.
60 한국시그마학회 Mother’s experience caring for their children who were home quarantined due to close contact with someone tested positive for COVID-19 이혜연 2021.06.24.
59 한국시그마학회 Mother's experience caring for their children who were home quarantined due to close contact with someone tested positive for COVID-19 김옥심 2021.06.24.
58 한국시그마학회 Mother’s experience caring for their children who were home quarantined due to close contact with someone tested positive for COVID-19 김미희 2021.06.24.
57 한국시그마학회 Mother’s experience caring for their children who were home quarnatined due to close contact with someone tested positive for COVID-19 최성미 2021.06.24.