Innovative Nurse Leader with a Community Spirit

S tudent Success
L eadership,
E xcellence,
A chievement,
P rofessionalism

S-L.E.A.P Global Nurse Scientist Program

S-L.E.A.P Global Nurse Scientist Program


  • Professors

  • Graduate Students

  • Postdoctoral Researchers



With assistance from research grants and various academic support systems, we are doing our best to cultivate global nurse scientists in the field of nursing. We are also promoting the growth and development of a world-class research-led university by reforming the graduate school curriculum and building a leading model for convergence research.

  • BK21 FOUR Scholarship
  • Graduate Student Research Award
  • Research Camp or Travel Award
  • Financial support for academic activities
  • Incentives
  • Financial support for travels to domestic and international academic conferences

Global Research Camp

King`s College London
Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing
The Haute Ecole de Sante Vaud (HESAV)
Christian Medical College
College of Nursing
Fudan University
School of Nursing
Natlonal Yang Ming Chiao Unvlerslty
College of Nursing
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Nethersole School of Nursing
The University of Hong Kong
School of Nursing
St. Luke's College of Nursing
University of Adelaide
JBI Center
Otemae University
Faculty of Global Nursing
Univ. of Alberta
Faculty of Nursing
University of Illinois at Chicago
Johns Hopkins University
University of Kentucky