
논문게재 실적

※ 참여대학원생의 논문게재실적

No. Journal Name Title Author Publish
13 한국노인간호학회 Safety Accidents and Coping Experiences Among Family Caregivers Caring for Community-Dwelling Persons Living with Dementia Ji Yeon Lee
12 Clinical Nursing Research Event-Specific Emotional Expression of Persons Living With Dementia in Long-term Care: A 6 Months Follow-up Study Ji Yeon Lee
11 International Journal of Older People Nursing Does hospitalisation impact the successful ageing of community-dwelling older adults?: A propensity score matching analysis using the Korean national survey data. Ji Yeon Lee
10 BMC Nursing Mealtime caregiving approaches and behavioral symptoms in persons living with dementia: a longitudinal, observational study 저자 Ji Yeon Lee
9 Journal of Korean Medical Science Daytime Glycemic Variability and Frailty in Older Patients with Diabetes: a Pilot Study Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring Ji Yeon Lee
8 The Gerontologist Person-Centered Care in Persons Living With Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Ji Yeon Lee
7 지역사회간호학회지 Social Determinants of Health of Multicultural Adolescents in South Korea: An Integrated Literature Review (2018~2020) Youlim Kim
6 한국학교보건학회지 The Relationship between Depression and Experience of Discrimination: Adolescents and Mothers of Ethnic Minority Youlim Kim
5 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Sequential Mediating Effects of Dietary Behavior and Perceived Stress on the Relationship between Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Multicultural Adolescent Youlim Kim
4 Nursing open Association between self-reported medical diagnosis of depression and metabolic syndrome in a population-based study: A propensity score-matched analysis. Namhee Kim