
논문게재 실적

※ 참여대학원생의 논문게재실적

No. Journal Name Title Author Publish
53 Korean Journal of Health Promotion Factors Associated with Postoperative Recovery among Lung Cancer Patients with Walking Exercise after Lung Resection Yesol Kim 2021.03.30
52 Journal of the Korean Society of School Health The Relationship between Depression and Experience of Discrimination: Adolescents and Mothers of Ethnic Minority Mikyung Lee 2021.03.29
51 Sensors Smart Patch for Skin Temperature: Preliminary Study to Evaluate Psychometrics and Feasibility Soyun Hong 2021.03.06
50 한국의료윤리학회지 Factors that Influence Clinical Nurses’ Moral Courage(임상간호사의 도덕적 용기에 영향을 미치는 요인) Yunyoung Choi 2021.03.03
49 JMIR mHealth and uHealth Effectiveness of mobile health–based exercise interventions for patients with peripheral artery disease: systematic review and meta-analysis Mihui Kim 2021.02.15
48 Journal of nursing management Nurses' post-traumatic stress symptoms and growth by perceived workplace bullying: An online cross-sectional study Soyon Hong 2021.02.08
47 Journal of Nursing Management Nurses' post-traumatic stress symptoms and growth by perceived workplace bullying: An online cross-sectional study. Soyun Hong 2021.01.23
46 International Journal of Environmental Reasearch and Public Health Factors Associated with Lifestyle Habits and Mental Health Problems in Korean Adolescents: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2017–2018 Namhee Kim 2020.12.15
45 JMIR mHealth and uHealth Network Support Using Social Networking Services to Increase Exercise Adherence Among Korean-Chinese Middle-Aged Migrant Women: Mixed Methods Study Hyeyeon Lee 2020.11.05
44 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society Validity and Reliability of a Korean Version of the Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress Gi Wook Ryu 2020.10.31