
학술대회 발표

No. Conference Title Author Date
146 Yonsei International Nursing Conference 2021 Analysis of Theory Based Nursing Intervention for Anxiety: A Review of 2011-2020 papers Chinbaya Altantuya 2021.11.19.
145 2021 Yonsei International Nusing Conference Risk factors associated with the prevalence of hypertension among adults in Ghana: An integrated review from 2016 to 2021 이혜연 2021.11.19.
144 The 13th International Nursing Conference 2021 (Korean Society of Nursing Science, KSNS) Factors related to readiness for practice for nursing students: A systematic review Damiran Dulamsuren 2021.11.18.~2021.11.19.
143 5th asian oncology nursing society conference Clinical ethics support service for life-sustaining treatment decision-making at the end of life: an integrative review 장효은 2021.11.17.~2021.11.19.
142 노인간호학회 춘계학술대회 Experience of Safety and Risk among Family Caregivers Caring for Community-Dwelling Persons Living with Dementia 이지연 2021.11.17.
141 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) Conference 2021, Assessment of health services needs among people living with HIV in Korea: Development and evaluation of a questionnaire. 이영진 2021.11.11.-2021.11.13.
140 Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) Conference 2021, Development of a scale for assessing facilitators to continuity of care among people living with HIV. 이영진 2021.11.11.-2021.11.13.
139 GSA 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Evaluation of an Ecological Momentary Intervention for Depression in Older Adults Living Alone 홍소윤 2021.11.10.~2021.11.14.
138 GSA 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Predictors of Multimorbidity Among Korean Older Adults: Longitudinal Secondary Data Analysis 지윤정 2021.11.10.~2021.11.14.
137 GSA 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting Cognitive frailty and its long-term effect on depression in an older population in Korea 지윤정 2021.11.10.~2021.11.14.