
논문게재 실적

※ 참여대학원생의 논문게재실적

No. Journal Name Title Author Publish
43 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing Influence of the Meaning in Life, Depression, and Social Support on the Suicidal Ideation of Old Adult Hemodialysis Patients Jinhee Shin 2020.09.30
42 지역사회간호학회지 Social Determinants of Health of Multicultural Adolescents in South Korea: An Integrated Literature Review (2018~2020)(국내 다문화 청소년의 사회적 건강결정요인: 통합적 문헌고찰 (2018~ 2020)) Mikyung Lee
41 한국학교보건학회지 The Relationship between Depression and Experience of Discrimination: Adolescents and Mothers of Ethnic Minority(다문화 청소년과 어머니의 차별 경험이 다문화 청소년의 우울감에 미치는 영향) Mikyung Lee
40 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health The Sequential Mediating Effects of Dietary Behavior and Perceived Stress on the Relationship between Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Multicultural Adolescent Mikyung Lee
39 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Physician-Customized Strategies for Reducing Outpatient Waiting Time in South Korea Using Queueing Theory and Probabilistic Metamodels Eunjeong Bae
38 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health An Online-Based Transition Care Program for Adolescents with Spina Bifida Using Intervention Mapping: A Protocol for Program Development Eunjeong Bae
37 Journal of Pediatric Nursing Discrepancies in Educational Needs for Transition in Adolescents and Young Adults with Spina Bifida in South Korea: Use of the Borich Needs Assessment Model Eunjeong Bae
36 Journal of Advanced Nursing Transition programs for adolescents and young adults with spina bifida: A mixed-methods systematic review Eunjeong Bae
35 여성건강간호학회지 Mothers' experience of caring for home-quarantined children after close contact with COVID-19 in Korea: an exploratory qualitative study. Ocksim Kim
34 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Development of Home-Based Exercise Mobile Application for Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease Yesol Kim