
논문게재 실적

※ 참여대학원생의 논문게재실적

No. Journal Name Title Author Publish
123 Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Experience of Nurses with Intravenous Fluid Monitoring for Patient Safety: A Qualitative Descriptive Study Youngkyung Kim 2022.09.22
122 Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing What are the late effects of older gastric cancer survivors? A scoping review Misun Jeon 2022.09.21
121 Advanced Materials Wireless Stand-Alone Trimodal Interactive Display Enabled by Direct Capacitive Coupling Youngkyung Kim 2022.09.15
120 Journal of Advanced Nursing Motivators and inhibitors of nurses' speaking up behaviours: A descriptive qualitative study Eunkyung Kim 2022.09.11
119 Disability and Rehabilitation Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean modified version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Young Adults (QAULAS-YA-Km) Hyeseon Yun 2022.09.08
118 Disability and Rehabilitation Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean modified version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Young Adults (QAULAS-YA-Km) Seung Hyeon Yang 2022.09.08
117 Disability and Rehabilitation Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Korean modified version of the QUAlity of Life Assessment in Spina bifida for Young Adults (QAULAS-YA-Km) Eunjeong Bae 2022.09.08
116 Journal of Medical Internet Research Effects of Serious Games on Depression in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Yesol Kim 2022.09.06
115 BMC Palliative Care Unmet needs in palliative care for patients with common non-cancer diseases: a cross-sectional study Hyoeun Jang 2022.08.30
114 European Journal of Oncology Nursing Frailty and its associated factors among older adults with cancer undergoing chemotherapy as outpatients: A cross-sectional study Hyoeun Jang 2022.08.25